Monday, August 29, 2011

Intimate gifts

Think of your favorite place to be.

 Somewhere where you are struck by the awesomeness of God.

Is it the mountains?
The Beach?
The woods?
Your own back yard?

Have you ever thought that God created that spot thinking of you and how YOU would enjoy it? That when he fashioned it he said "She will love it here". That's what I call God's Intimate Gifts to me.

Have you looked at your favorite spot with that kind of thought before?

God is just that intimate in his love for us. We were not a surprise to him, and the things we love are not a surprise to him. However much we believe we are discovering something for the first time, in God's eyes, he planned it that way. It's much like when we quietly put a new toy in a toddlers play area and watch to see them discover it. What joy it brings to us to see their joy... what joy it brings to him when we discover and adore his sweet gifts to us.

hmmmm. Makes me love him more. Makes me desire him more. Oh how he loves us!

Look around, and discover your gifts. I assure you they abound. Be thankful for them today and I promise you will find a joy only found in him!

Our God knows how to give us good gifts.

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matt 7:11

Blessings today my friends!


  1. Oh my beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is the mountains that beckon me closer to the heart of God. Their grandeur swells my heart with praise. Their majesty inspires my worship.

    Love this post - thank you!

  2. Kari, We recently relocated to NC and I have a deck and a new swing for the first time in my life. It has been so unbearably hot here, I haven't been able to enjoy sitting outside.I look forward to sitting and praying there when the weather cools. Thanks for reminding us that God is in every detail, encouraging us with intimate gifts.
