Thursday, March 10, 2011

Action Steps and Seeking the Lord

I was reading Psalm 37 the other day and I realized that vs 1-8 showed me an action plan for seeking the Lord in any situation. 

Now I LOVE action plans. You know there is just something in me that wants a 5-step plan for everything I do. I guess it helps me to stay on track. I'm just so happy to see that the Lord is gracious to provide one here for me! 

Seeking the Lord based on Psalm 37 vs. 1-8

Vs.1 Do Not Fret... Because the Wrongs will soon die away.
Vs. 2 Trust in the Lord... Because you will always be safe in Him.
Vs. 3. Delight in the Lord... Because he will give you your hearts desire.
Vs. 4. Commit your way to the Lord... Because He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Vs. 5 Be still and wait.... Because The righteous will never be forsaken (vs. 25)
Vs. 6. Refrain from anger.... Because the evil men will be cut off and those who hope in the Lord will inherit the Land

I don't know about you. But this gives me hope! So many times I want to fret and trust in myself instead of the Lord. It's easier to delight myself in other things in life (children, work, relationships) instead of delighting myself in him first. 

If we were honest with ourselves how often are we more committed  to OUR own cause rather than his? I don't know about you but I can get impatient and angry when things don't go my way. 

Today, I want to bind myself to His promises and decide to not be moved. I want to cling to them like my life depends on it. Today let's remember the promises he has made, and find our joy in seeking him, rather than just seeking a solution to our immediate need. 

Be blessed today friends!

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